Snack Time
Focusing on primarily eating whole foods is ideal. But let's be realistic, we all want some good 'ole processed food from time to time. So when that craving comes up, which foods should we choose?
I've decided to list out some of my favs. Just make sure to pay attention to portion size and this will make a huge difference. And, don't eat from the package! Take it out and put it on a plate/bowl before eating!
-Triscuits thin crisps
-Reduced fat wheat thins
Gluten-free crunchy-salty:
-Trader Joe's plantain chips (not the sweet ones)
-Simple Mill's almond flour crackers
-Crunchmaster Multi-seed crackers
-Tostito's bite size round tortilla chips
-Pirate's Booty Aged White Cheddar
Make sure to pair these with a protein if eating as a snack. Nuts, peanut butter, tuna, and cheese are all easy protein add-ons.
For the sweet craving:
-Plain dried mango
-Flavored Greek yogurt (pay attention to sugar content)
-Flavored cottage cheese (I like Good Culture)
-Dates with peanut or almond butter
-Rx bars
-KIND protein bars
-Lara bars (not high protein)
-Go Macro
-Trader Joe's Chewy Chocolate and Protein Bar
Having back-up snack options is crucial for travel, long work days, or just days with lots of errands. Make sure if you have a busy day, to build in a snack with protein to keep you fueled.